
Catalogs & Customers Price Files

Our performance pricing engine calculates up to 5,000 pricing lines per second, per processor.
Depending on the size of your pricing catalogs and price files, you can scale up the number of processors you require to execute your pricing and rebates at lightning speed.

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customer files

What it does

Our platform empowers businesses selling through third-party organizations, such as franchisees, independent branch or store owners and dealers.
On-selling customers often rely on the manufacturer to set recommended selling prices for their products.
Our system quickly facilitates the delivery of file extracts containing extensive pricing information.
The result is the end pricing is always current and accurate.
Flintfox’s hyper-speed pricing engine can process up to 5,000 pricing lines per second, per processor.
The platform integrates load balancers that allocate specific processors for real-time, live order pricing and catalog extraction.

catalogs woman

What it solves

Pricing management through third-party sellers often causes delays in processing and exporting massive amounts of pricing data.
This can result in information becoming outdated before it’s needed.
Flintfox solves this problem, by enhancing the speed and efficiency of pricing data processing, so large-scale exports remain relevant.
Our performance pricing engine, and built-in load balancing, support unlimited processors.
This manages large volumes and provides failover protection.

import customer files

The outcome

Flintfox delivers faster speeds and increased accuracy of pricing information distributed to third-party sellers.
By configuring dedicated processors for high-volume pricing extracts or catalogs, we guarantee that real-time order pricing performance is not compromised.
This strategic approach allows you to maintain accurate, up-to-date pricing across all sales channels.
With our platform you can enhance operational efficiency and improve customer satisfaction.

Seamless integration with your ERP

Ready to get started?

Calculate and deliver pricing, rebates, claims and deductions in real-time so you can protect margins and maximise revenue.

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